Because we all deserve the
TO Feel

Welcome to Freedom to Feel Fantastic the national positive body image and self-esteem campaign.
Welcome to Freedom to Feel Fantastic
We are a positive body image and self-esteem campaign of The Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation.
Providing schools and community groups with a FREE event pack to support them to run an event or in-class activities to help raise awareness and discussion to help us all:
- see, think, feel and talk body and self positive
- tear up the negatives
- reframe our thinking
- and create a world where we can be who we want to be judgement free

So many great resources
Along with posters, activities and factsheets, your event pack also features the ‘My Wellbeing Book’ aimed to help us all consider how we are looking after our self care, self esteem and body image during this time and beyond.
You don’t need to be a school to gain access, individuals are welcome to sign up and download your book and all our other resources.

we best not be rude!
a bit about us…
We’ve been kicking around since 2013, when a group of young people, as part of the ABC Heywire Program, identified the need to help themselves and their friends feel great about the skin they’re in. They were concerned to see so many friends lacking in self esteem and it affects many aspects of their lives.
From their awesome idea grew for a national campaign aiming to inspire us all to ‘tear up’ the negatives and pump up the positive, and Freedom to Feel Fantastic* was born.
Since then literally, 100’s of schools and 1000’s of young people have jumped on board (turns out it is a topic sooo many young people are passionate about).
*previously known a Fresh Faced Friday
Now you know how fantastic we are keep reading 😉
Why be part of the
Body dissatisfaction is a top-ranked issue of concern for young people. It affects both guys and girls and can impact all ages. Having a negative body image is a problem because it can make us less resilient in many other areas of our lives.
Positive body image occurs when a person is able to accept, appreciate and respect their body.
Positive body image is important because it is one of the protective factors that can make a person more resilient in many aspects of life.
Key Facts
Body image is how you feel about the way you look. It’s NOT about what you look like
31% of teenagers withdraw from conversation in class so as not o draw attention to themselves.
Butterfly Foundtion 2020
1 in 5 students missed school because they didn’t feel good enough.
Butterfly Foundtion 2020
Body image is one of the top 4 issues of personal concern for young Australians
Mission Austalia 2019 Youth Survey
90% of adolescent boys report that they exercise primarily to gain muscle
Butterfly Foundtion 2020
Help us make these facts much more positive for young people
Freedom to Feel Fantastic offers you a chance to discuss body image with young people and create a positive vibe.
Run an event & create positive change
Each year schools and community groups hold a Freedom to Feel Fantastic event, from class-based activities, lunchtime events through to a whole of school events. The activities run are varied and each year we are wowed by the ideas.
In class activities
Music events
Self esteem activities
Splat walls (very popular)
Cupcake stalls
Much More
What does an event look like?
Take a look…
Listen students talk about their event
Listen to the students from Mullumbimy Steiner School talk about body image and their event
Check out our gallery of images from events schools nationally have run
Watch this video which captured the essence behind the campaign when it first began, an essence that is still here today
Loving the sound of it? How could you not!
Sign up today. It’s free to receive an event pack
Not convienced you to mark an event date in your diary yet? Then let us show you…
what’s in an event pack…
Our downloadable event pack features:
- event booklet
- event planner
- heaps of activity ideas
- posters
- invites
- worksheets
- cupcake flags and more.
Then once you send us a date for your event we will send off a parcel with our key activity Reframe Your Thinking – find out more below about this great activity.

Then once you send us a date for your event we will send off a parcel with our key activity Reframe Your Thinking – find out more below about this great activity.
Key activity
reframe your thinking
‘We loved this new activity, it was really engaging”

This activity encourages us to reframe our thinking to help the positive get much more airtime in our minds and conversation and to support us and others to be body and self positive.
Send us a date for your event and in the mail, you will receive frames in 10 different colourful designs. In the activity young people get to acknowledge and tear up the negatives they find have an impact on their body and self esteem and then reframe this to create a message that supports and inspires us, and others, to be body and self positive. They can then make their FFF frame and literally reframe their thinking.
Watch our short video (like just 1 min of your time!) on how to make your frame

‘We loved this new activity, it was really engaging”
“We are looking for a permanent place to display the frames and their positive messages. They look fantastic”
10 different designs!
In your pack you will receive frames with 10 different designs for students to choose from. Check them out.
10 different designs!
In your pack you will receive frames with 10 different designs for students to choose from. Check them out.
What will your reframed message be?
Check out some examples..
Get inspired
Case studies of events in action…
We have had so many fantastic events over the years, click the name to read a short description of what went down
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From morning assembly with an interactive quiz about body image, through to video making through to a ‘tear it up’ paper throwing war the students and staff from Araluen Christian College really got involved.
What they did
- In class activity about body image and how to reframe our thinking
- Reframe your thinking frames
- Positive messages and pancakes – yummo
- Scavenger Hunt whilst recognising all our bodies can for us (they are pretty awesome)
An awesome day was had and definitely the best day we’ve had around the topic of Body Image. Lots of students understood the concept of changing our thinking to change how we feel about ourselves, so that is a great thing we can build on
School Chaplain Rosie joined us in 2019 for her 5th Freedom the Feel Fantasic (formerly Fresh Faced Friday) event with great success holding lunctime activities.
What they did
- Reframe your thinking frame stall
- Ice tea stall
- Fresh faced and Hair-gel free day challenge
- In class promotion and information
Thanks for your great initiative for our students.
We look forward to your campaign next year.
Students from Grade 5&6 held a FFF event that was a real hit school wide. The students were very enthused about the topic and came up with sooo many activity ideas. Just a few were…
What they did
- Hip Hop lessons
- Smile Cafe
- Fun photo booth
- Negative Nerf Run Game
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to join in such a wonderful and life changing day!
Joining us for their second year the teachers and students even secured some funding from their local council to help their fantastic event ideas get off the ground. Utilising lunch break and home room time they held a range of activities with great success – even getting 450 t-shirts printed which the students could then decorate with positive message – how awesome!
What they did
- Design you positive t-shirt
- Fruit and cake stall (food always popular!)
- Reframe your thinking frames
- In class promotion and information
Thank you again for all your support of Australia’s youth! We found [Freedom to Feel Fantastic] to be interactive with our students
To celebrate FFF the whole Senior School community gathered in a central location to tear up the negatives and give the positive much more airtime.
All the students were given a piece of A4 paper each. Around the edge, they wrote down thoughts they have about themselves which hold them back. They could be related to their physical body, personality, or their skills or what they might perceive as lack of skills. They ripped off these ideas and placed them in a metal bin. We then set fire to the paper and students stood quietly while they contemplated ridding themselves of these thoughts. On the remaining centre of the paper, students wrote down a message to themselves about embracing who they are. Music played while these events took place.
Close case studies
Thank you for signing up to…
TO Feel
Register to receive the event pack
Thank you for supporting young people to feel body and self positive. By signing up you will receive access to our FREE digital event pack. Then once you send us a date for your event we will send out the Reframe your thinking activity in the mail (Thanks to the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation).
We should also totally mention we are solely funded by the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation – hats off to all the Lions across Australia who recognise youth health and wellbeing is super important.