2024 Event Pack

Thank you for signing up to run a Freedom to Feel Fantastic event. Below you will find access to all our resources…

Thank for signing up! You now have access to all the FFF resources. But remember! Tell us the date of your event and we will send you the reframe your thinking activity in the mail. 


Don’t forget to tell us your event or activity date and we will send you the key activity reframe your thinking sheets in the post – a fantastic activity.


Below are all the fantastic resources we have to make your Freedom to Feel Fantastic event a success.

Event Guide - start here!

A great place to start  – download our guide full of into about why promoting positive body image is key as well as ideas for running an event that is sure to be hit!

Students - My Wellbeing Book

Aimed to help us all consider how we are looking after our self care, self esteem and body image. Contains activities and resources.

Event Planner

Our event planner is there to help you plan all aspects of your event from the panning to evaluation.

Promo Presentation

A short presentation to help you present the concept to students and colleagues


Many of these activities have been adapted and placed into the ‘My Wellbeing Book’ above.

Activity: Fan Mail

We all deserve some fan mail. This is a fun activity that spreads those feel-good vibes. 

Activity: Self Talk

This activity aims to help us become aware of the self-talk we find ourselves dishing out and encourages us to trash the negative and pump up the positive.

Activity: Colour In Sheets

A fun addition to the event pack, some mindfulness FFF colouring in sheets displaying positive body image and self esteem messages

Activity: Create a Self Care Plan

Knowing what tops up and drains your self care levels can plan to ensure it remains healthy.

Activity: Self Esteem Bank Account

This activity looks at how our self esteem is like a bank account, it needs deposits and not too many withdrawals to =keep it healthy. 

Topics Cards

There is a topic card for each month which challenges you to discovery, and questions aspects which can impact our body image and self esteem.

Activity: Positive Posters

Unpack the meaning behind our set of  Positive Posters featuring lots of furry friends.

Activity: My Wellbeing Toolkit

What is in your wellbeing toolkit? Being aware of what helps us stay happy and healthy is key to ensuring you can activity tools as required. 

Positive Posters Set

These support our positive posters activity. These are ideal to display around your school or community area. Please note this is a large file, please contact for a low res version if needed.

Activity: Tune Your Mood

A more basic version of of worksheet below, this activity explores our use of music, creating an awareness of what tunes drop or lift our mood.


These worksheets are aimed to promote discussion about various aspects of body image and self esteem

Worksheet: What is body image?

A worksheet with activity suggestions to help you explore the topic.

Worksheet: Body image and the media

A worksheet with activity suggestions to help you explore the topic.

Worksheet: Music and how I feel about me

A worksheet with activity suggestions to help you explore the topic. This one helps young people explore how music can impact on how they feel in both positive and non-positive ways. 

Posters & Handouts

A range of posters and handouts to display around your school or to be used as additional information.

Poster 1

Great to display around your school, featuring positive body image tips. 

Poster 2

Great to display around your school, featuring positive body image tips. 

4 Aspects of Body Image Poster/ handout

A poster of the 4 aspects of body image.

Take What You Need Poster

This poster features pull away tags with positive messages. 

Cup Cake Flags

Food has been a popular theme to many FFF events with special drinks, cupcakes and fruit platters made. These flags are a great way to decorate your spread and promote key themes

Fantastic Resources from other services…

Education Resources by Butterfly Foundation

Download factsheets from leading body image agencies

Dove Self-Team teaching kit

Although not Australian based, there are some great worksheets cover appearance, media and more

Education Resources by Butterfly Foundation for LGBTQIA+ community

Download factsheets from leading body image agencies

Key activity

reframe your thinking

‘We loved this new activity, it was really engaging”

This activity encourages us to reframe our thinking to help the positive get much more airtime in our minds and conversation and to support us and others to be body and self positive.

Send us a date for your event and in the mail, you will receive frames in 10 different colourful designs. In the activity young people get to acknowledge and tear up the negatives they find have an impact on their body and self esteem and then reframe this to create a message that supports and inspires us, and others, to be body and self positive. They can then make their FFF frame and literally reframe their thinking.

‘We loved this new activity, it was really engaging”

“We are looking for a permanent place to display the frames and their positive messages. They look fantastic”

Watch our short video (like just 1 min of your time!) on how to make your frame

10 different designs!

In your pack you will receive frames with 10 different designs for students to choose from. Check them out.

What will your reframed message be?

Check out some examples..

10 different designs!

In your pack you will receive frames with 10 different designs for students to choose from. Check them out.

What will your reframed message be?

Check out some examples..

Get inspired

Case studies of events in action…

We have had so many fantastic events over the years, click the name to read a short description of what went down

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Araluen Christian College – NT

From morning assembly with an interactive quiz about body image, through to video making through to a ‘tear it up’ paper throwing war the students and staff from Araluen Christian College really got involved.

What they did

  • In class activity about body image and how to reframe our thinking
  • Reframe your thinking frames
  • Positive messages and pancakes – yummo
  • Scavenger Hunt whilst recognising all our bodies can for us (they are pretty awesome)

 An awesome day was had and definitely the best day we’ve had around the topic of Body Image. Lots of students understood the concept of changing our thinking to change how we feel about ourselves, so that is a great thing we can build on


School Chaplin Rosie joined us in 2019 for her 5th Freedom the Feel Fantasic (formerly Fresh Faced Friday) event with great success holding lunctime activities.

What they did

  • Reframe your thinking frame stall
  • Ice tea stall
  • Fresh faced and Hair-gel free day challenge
  • In class promotion and information

Thanks for your great initiative for our students.
We look forward to your campaign next year.


Students from Grade 5&6 held a FFF event that was a real hit school wide. The students were very enthused about the topic and came up with sooo many activity ideas. Just a few were…

What they did

  • Hip Hop lessons
  • Smile Cafe
  • Fun photo booth
  • Negative Nerf Run Game

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to join in such a wonderful and life changing day!


Joining us for their second year the teachers and students even secured some funding from their local council to help their fantastic event ideas get off the ground. Utilising lunch break and home room time they held a range of activities with great success – even getting 450 t-shirts printed which the students could then decorate with positive message – how awesome!

What they did

  • Design you positive t-shirt
  • Fruit and cake stall (food always popular!)
  • Reframe your thinking frames
  • In class promotion and information

Thank you again for all your support of Australia’s youth! We found [Freedom to Feel Fantastic] to be interactive with our students

Close case studies

Thank you for signing up to…


TO Feel


need some more info?

Contact us


We should also totally mention we are solely funded by the Australian Lions Wellbeing Foundation – hats off to all the Lions across Australia who recognise youth health and wellbeing is super important.

Sign up to receive the FREE digital event pack and our new 'My Wellbeing Book

Sign up and we will provide you with access to our NEW 'My Wellbeing Book' as well as full digital event pack full of activity ideas, worksheets and more.

For individuals signing up just place n/a in school and position tabs :)

You Rock! You have been signed up and now here is the event pack....